The Production Journey


Shot in full HD on a Sony HD Cam 790, production got into full swing in the flamboyant atmosphere of the Edinburgh International Festival. In its opening event, Oxford Professor and Christian author John Lennox clashed with atheist broadcaster Christopher Hitchens, author of “God Is Not Great”. At the end of the fiery and pointed exchange, members of the audience were canvassed for their verdict. The outcome? Much to be said for both points of view! 

Next, a film shoot at Down House, the former family home of Charles Darwin, where the production crew had exclusive access as well as full supporting service from English Heritage staff. Thereafter, the production moved to the USA for three weeks of intense filming in temperatures varying from ‘minus a lot’ in New York to 32 degrees centigrade in Houston, Texas. Fourteen expert witnesses in ten cities, were on the agenda with content that was often controversial, always forthright, and guaranteed to engage the interest of all who are asking the God question. Within the many hours of stimulating recorded content, Daniel Dennett claims that one of the chief virtues of Darwinism is that it undercuts the only good argument that there ever was for the existence of God - that of design. Profoundly disagreeing, Francis Collins believes that Dennett is committing a category error! “Evolution is teaching us something about what was really happening with God’s creative plan. How, in any case, can a rational person claim to know God doesn’t exist, considering the limits of our own personal knowledge?” To philosopher Alvin Plantinga, God is as apparent as other people’s minds. “We don’t believe because God is a good explanation of something. We believe because it seems obvious that there is a God. It’s as obvious as the existence of other people’s minds.”

But even although the USA in landscape, in museums, in cities and in personnel had a major contribution to make to the series so of course had the UK and other European countries. 


Some of the landscape, especially relevant to programme 2 was shot in the West Highlands of Scotland, surely one of the world’s most iconic and beautiful locations. 


The uniquely impressive and architecturally rich cities of Oxford and Cambridge have become almost characters in themselves in the God question. The concentration in these cities of academic knowledge and expertise defies measure and it was a special privilege to benefit from contributors who delivered invaluable insights from science, philosophy and theology. 


But the series widened beyond even these disciplines to encompass the arts and music in particular. An unforgettable time was spent with composer/arranger Dr John Rutter who explored with us the link between music and spirituality.

Several film days were spent in London capturing many of its iconic sights and making a special visit to Hammersmith Hospital, involved in a worldwide experiment in investigating near death experience. 

 No series on God can afford to exclude a visit to Rome, the eternal city. Here the Kharis crew benefited from much appreciated assistance and support from the Vatican Council for Social Communication. The way was opened up to film a mass for internationals conducted by the Pope.

 Kharis Productions Ltd expresses deep gratitude to all who facilitated and contributed to the filming of this major project.


To view clips from the series and promotional trailers, click here.

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